2 Peter Chapter 3 Verse 9

The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise , as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to
be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.

Here in this verse, Peter is basically saying we cant rush the promises God made us He’s mot being slow in keeping His promise.
God is the one who made these promises to us : He cannot be “late.” or take to long because god has a perfect timing for everything every
second counts and even the small things that happen daily have a special time god made for them so we cant rush a promise god made for us
just because we want it now , we have to wait on gods time and even if gods time happens to be in 10 years from now he still isn’t late or slow
its actually right on time . we might not be ready now for those promises. We might have to change our ways , repent, forgive people, or even just simply
get closer to god . He doesn’t want us to be destroyed and maybe rushing that promise could possibly destroy us.

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